Benign by Design


Participation Explanation of the participation options
Event period
Certificate programme

In the certificate programme, you take modules worth at least 15 credit points, you are enrolled as a student at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, you have access to all the university's resources, you take examinations and you receive the university certificate "PS Individuale" as your degree.

More information on the Certificate Programme

Module studies

You complete the module studies with an examination and receive the specified credit points. These can be credited towards a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The modular study programme is interesting for you if you only want to book a single module. At the end, you will receive a certificate with a detailed list of your achievements.

More information on Module Studies

Module participation

Participation in the module takes place WITHOUT an examination. You do not receive any credit points. Credit points are important if you want to have them credited towards a Bachelor's or Master's degree. You will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the module.

More information on Module Participation

Currently 2 places available
Courses of this module
F7 Benign by Design
Product information "Benign by Design"

The module Benign by Design (BbD) integrates content covered in F2 Environmental Chemistry, F3 Toxicology and Ecotoxicology, and F4 Modeling of Chemical Properties and Fate to introduce conceptual approaches for molecular de novo and re-design of chemical compounds with reduced environmental and toxicological impact and/or improved function. Using state of the art examples from scientific literature and practical exploration of the concept, the emphasis is laid on understanding the potential and applicability of molecular benign by design, as well as currently still existing gaps in experimental and in silico data required for widespread application of the approach. Another topic addressed in the module is benign by design of materials and processes and related substance flows, material flows, and product flows. This module is thereby linking to F1 Concepts of Sustainable Chemistry, and also linking to aspects of resource availability and circular economy covered in depth in module F8 Resources, Recycling, and Circular Economy.

is restricted access: Yes
Requirements - university entrance qualification: Not required
Requirements - one year of work experience: Required
Requirements Language: English: TOEFL Internet (92 points); IELTS (Acad. Level 6.5 points); CAE/CPE (Level C1, Grade B); TOEIC (720 points listening/reading, 310 points speaking/writing); if necessary, individual examination.
Requirements Expertise: Knowledge of chemistry, biology & environment
Other requirements

1) Training as a chemical-technical assistant or pharmaceutical-technical assistant


2) B.Sc. in Chemistry, Pharmacy or similar

Please note, the course F7 Benign by Design can only be booked after successful completion of F2 Environmental Chemistry, F3 Toxicology and Ecotoxicology, and F4 Modelling of Chemical Properties and Fate.

Topic: Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sustainability, Energy & Environment
Format of course: Online
Level: Master
Course language: English
Study programme
Sustainable Chemistry Go to study program website
Number of credit points / ECTS: 5
Workload Contact time (in hours): 8
Workload self-study time (in hours): 117
Examination: In-class examination
Exam format: Portfolio
Further exam format: No further Exam

You acquire substantive knowledge about:

  • Molecular target structures relevant for re-design/de-novo design
  • State of the art examples of molecular Benign by Design (e.g., pharmaceuticals, chelating agents, ionic liquids)
  • Step by step approaches and workflows of molecular Benign by Design
  • Common gaps in experimental and in silico data required for Benign by Design
  • Approaches for Benign by Design of materials and processes
12 = Dates of this module
12 = Dates with overlap
12 = Modules already selected
Please note: Dates subject to change