Business Models and Strategies


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Event period
Certificate programme

In the certificate programme, you take modules worth at least 15 credit points, you are enrolled as a student at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, you have access to all the university's resources, you take examinations and you receive the university certificate "PS Individuale" as your degree.

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Module studies

You complete the module studies with an examination and receive the specified credit points. These can be credited towards a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The modular study programme is interesting for you if you only want to book a single module. At the end, you will receive a certificate with a detailed list of your achievements.

More information on Module Studies

Module participation

Participation in the module takes place WITHOUT an examination. You do not receive any credit points. Credit points are important if you want to have them credited towards a Bachelor's or Master's degree. You will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the module.

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Currently 3 places available
Courses of this module
F11 Business Models and Strategies
Product information "Business Models and Strategies"

This module introduces the business model of Chemical Leasing and its relation to other chemical business models. The concept of Chemical Leasing and its comparison to the sells-per-volume approach are presented. The general approach of Chemical Leasing as a service-based model that positions the utility provided by a chemical into the centre of the buying process is being addressed. The advantages for economic, environmental and social benefits will be presented. The do’s and dont’s of Chemical Leasing B2B relationships will be shown based on practical experiences. The module also introduces into the field of sustainability entrepreneurship and discusses the potential of innovations in chemistry for generating social and ecological impact. By exemplary developing own sustainability focused business ideas, the students get to know and apply the business model canvas for discussing and structuring sustainability business models in the field of chemistry. A brief introduction into business pitching will be given as a basis for successfully presenting business ideas.

is restricted access: Yes
Requirements - university entrance qualification: Not required
Requirements - one year of work experience: Required
Requirements Language: English: TOEFL Internet (92 points); IELTS (Acad. Level 6.5 points); CAE/CPE (Level C1, Grade B); TOEIC (720 points listening/reading, 310 points speaking/writing); if necessary, individual examination.
Requirements Expertise: Knowledge of chemistry, biology & environment
Other requirements

1) Ausbildung zur CTA/PTA

Chemisch-technische*r Assistent*in

Pharmazeutisch-technische*r Assistent*in


2) B.Sc. in Chemie, Pharmazie o.ä.

Topic: Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sustainability, Energy & Environment
Format of course: Online
Level: Master
Course language: English
Study programme
Sustainable Chemistry Go to study program website
Number of credit points / ECTS: 5
Workload Contact time (in hours): 8
Workload self-study time (in hours): 117
Examination: In-class examination
Exam format: Portfolio
Further exam format: No further Exam

You will acquire substantive knowledge about:

  • Why service-based business models are important in the Context of Sustainable Chemistry, Sustainable Development and the Agenda 2030 
  • The significance of defined parameters for chemical leasing and their importance to gain benefits in economic, environmental and social aspects
  • The relationship between cooperation and successful service-based business 
  • Obstacles, limitations and opportunities of the Chemical Leasing business model
  • Sustainability entrepreneurship and its potential for generating social and/ or ecological impact in the field of chemistry
  • Applying the business model canvas for discussing and structuring business models
  • Different forms of business pitching to successfully present innovative business ideas
22 = Dates of this module
22 = Dates with overlap
22 = Modules already selected
Please note: Dates subject to change