Resources, Recycling and Circular Economy


Participation Explanation of the participation options
Event period
Certificate programme

In the certificate programme, you take modules worth at least 15 credit points, you are enrolled as a student at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, you have access to all the university's resources, you take examinations and you receive the university certificate "PS Individuale" as your degree.

More information on the Certificate Programme

Module studies

You complete the module studies with an examination and receive the specified credit points. These can be credited towards a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The modular study programme is interesting for you if you only want to book a single module. At the end, you will receive a certificate with a detailed list of your achievements.

More information on Module Studies

Module participation

Participation in the module takes place WITHOUT an examination. You do not receive any credit points. Credit points are important if you want to have them credited towards a Bachelor's or Master's degree. You will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the module.

More information on Module Participation

Currently 3 places available
Courses of this module
F8 Resources, Recycling and Circular Economy
Product information "Resources, Recycling and Circular Economy"

The first phase of this course introduces the need for adapted and sustainable water management strategies. The concept of Circular Water Economy is presented, and the need to integrate sustainable chemistry and water quality management approaches to fulfil the requirements of the specific water reuse. Phase 2 will present the concept of bioresources, especially from vegetal feedstocks, in the scope of bio-circular economy. The main aim is to generate material and energy ideally with indefinite maximization of the resources with no unrecoverable waste. Green and sustainable design, production and use of materials, processes and energy obtained from plant-based biomass, as well as their potentialities, limitations and other practical implications currently will be discussed, focusing on polymers. Emphasis will be giving to case studies related to plastic products. Phase 3 will focus on metal resources and their relevance for modern society. As in principle metals are “eternal” materials their effective recycling and wider approaches for a circular economy can significantly contribute to reduce energy needs and waste streams linked to metal containing products of our daily life. Case studies from the clean mobility area will be used to elaborate why a sustainable metals management is an imperative for the future.

is restricted access: Yes
Requirements - university entrance qualification: Not required
Requirements - one year of work experience: Required
Requirements Language: English: TOEFL Internet (92 points); IELTS (Acad. Level 6.5 points); CAE/CPE (Level C1, Grade B); TOEIC (720 points listening/reading, 310 points speaking/writing); if necessary, individual examination.
Requirements Expertise: Knowledge of chemistry, biology & environment
Other requirements

1) Training as a chemical-technical assistant or pharmaceutical-technical assistant


2) B.Sc. in Chemistry, Pharmacy or similar

Topic: Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sustainability, Energy & Environment
Format of course: Online
Level: Master
Course language: English
Study programme
Sustainable Chemistry Go to study program website
Number of credit points / ECTS: 5
Workload Contact time (in hours): 8
Workload self-study time (in hours): 117
Examination: In-class examination
Exam format: Portfolio
Further exam format: No further Exam

You will acquire substantive knowledge about:

  • The opportunities and limitations of “Circular Water Economy” and water reuse to meet the increasing freshwater demand.
  • The importance of considering sustainable chemistry as part of the integrated strategy to reduce aquatic micropollutants at the source
  • Implications related to the use of bioresources in the scope of bio-circular economy
  • General directives and orientations for the design and use of sustainable materials and processes derived considering plantbased bioresources
  • Case studies: plasticized childhood
  • How metal use has evolved over time and why metals will become even more important in the context of climate change mitigation and clean mobility
  • The fundamentals of metal markets: supply-demand-price interdependencies, coupled production and types of metals scarcity (on the example of platinum group metals)
  • Metal recycling opportunities and challenges – establishment of recycling chains & insights from industry
  • Circular economy – concept and implementation requirements
  • The role of policy and legislation 
  • The holistic system perspective for sustainable metals management

13 = Dates of this module
13 = Dates with overlap
13 = Modules already selected
Please note: Dates subject to change